Saturday 17 November 2012

Paschal Eronmose emerge as the Ultimate Man

Paschal Eronmose
Finally, Paschal Eronmose has made it! Against all odds, hurdles, rigorous training and days of sleeping in the rain, he beat the other contestants to become the Ultimate Man in this year’s edition of Gulder Ultimate Search.
Incidentally and for the first time in the history of GUS, a female was the first runner-up. Paschal almost lost his chance to Onyinye Udodi, who lost the prize by whisker, having been in line to becoming the first ever Ultimate Woman.
Last night, it was a battle of the fittest. The four remaining contestant – Paschal, Onyinye Udeh, James Adah and Nuhu Zigwayi – probably experienced their toughest day in the jungle.

The hunt for the treasure started in the morning when all four, who had spent the night at an old oil mill, were directed to assemble at the mouth of an old fire bridge. After travelling for hours, they arrived at the location where they were subjected to their first challenge.
They were given a riddle to solve, after which they were to race to a table, which had broken pieces of a calabash. Piecing the broken pieces of calabash led the contestants to six palm trees, which had three pieces of maps, which they had to retrieve to ensure their continuation in the race.
Paschal solved the riddle first and retrieved the first map, followed by Onyinye. Both James and Nuhu solved the riddles at the same time, but James beat Nuhu in retrieving the map. As such, Nuhu was evicted on the spot.  

By sunset, James, Onyinye and Paschal met with Chidi Mokeme, the anchor man of GUS 9, who subjected them to another challenge. They were to fill in the blank spaces of a puzzle, which comprised all the clues, which were strategically placed in their camp while they were in the jungle.
Paschal solved the riddle first, followed by Onyinye. The inability of James to complete the puzzle led to his eviction. The anchor man informed both Paschal and Onyinye that the clue to finding the Gatekeeper’s Fortune, the treasure that they sought, was in the puzzle which they had just solved.
The puzzle led both Onyinye and Paschal back to the last camp, which was their abode, before they were asked to spend their last night in the oil mill. Paschal started searching behind the bench where they sat on. 
Onyinye raced to the spot where the contestants used to sleep and lifted up the mats. She then left the place and raced to the contestants’ former camp.
Paschal moved to their former bed area, where Onyinye had started searching, lifted the bamboos and started digging till he dug out the Gatekeeper’s Fortune.

For his feat, Paschal will cart home the N9m grand prize, a N500,000 swagger allowance and a brand new 2012 SUV

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