Sunday 9 December 2012

Enmity Brews Between Goldie, J-Martins As Both Disagree Over Money

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We have it that two young and promising singers; Goldie and J-Martins have had a strain in their relationship over the latter's refusal to show up in the music video of the former billed to be shot in South Africa.

According to what is being said in the Nigerian entertainment setting now, Goldie reportedly invited J-Martins to feature in his music video shoot in South Africa in November for the song they both did together, 'Give It To Me'. So, J-Martins reportedly asked for business class flight to South Africa but Goldie was said to have told J-Martins that she can't afford a business flight for him.

Reluctantly, J-Martins reportedly agreed to show up for the shoot in South Africa but then told Goldie to personally pick him up at the airport when he arrives South Africa, which was not adhere to as Goldie was said to have sent someone instead. This, as we gathered, angered J-Martin as he reportedly refused go with the person Goldie sent to pick him up at the airport. He reportedly claimed he refused to go with the person because he didn’t want to be kidnapped.

On getting to South Africa, J-Martins reportedly booked a $700 hotel for himself refusing to lodge in the hotel Goldie had earlier booked for him. This forced Goldie and other crew members to go to J Martins' hotel to see him but he refused to see them. He reportedly gave the excuse of being tired and not feeling too well, which would make him not to see anyone, including Goldie.

On the morning of the shoot, J-Martins was said to have refused to come on set. He asked Goldie to pay for his hotel accommodation of $700 for five nights which equals $3,500. Goldie was said to have told J-Martins she couldn't afford such amount but offered to pay for two nights ($1,400).

After that was settled, J-Martins reportedly didn’t show up on set until 3pm that day. When he got on set, he refused to come on camera except the $1400 was paid to him. He was then said to have complained about the costumes and gave some excuses and attitudes on set.

This then angered the video shoot crew
as they reportedly got tired of all the drama and packed their stuff and left without completing the music video shoot. J-Martins shot some scenes but not all. This has made Goldie angry at J-Martins because of the money lost shooting the uncompleted music video.

As at the time of writing this story, we couldn't get in touch with J-Martins on the story. We promise to do everything possible to get his side of the story or get him react to it.

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